Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bumps and Bruises!!!

Well, it has been a crazy few weeks here in the Rayner house. We have suffered all sorts of injuries, but the best two happened to Dada and Mama. Dada broke his ankle playing softball. He got a line drive right on the old ankle bone and broke it. The first two are the day he did it, and the next ones are about 5 days after!! Pretty huh??

I spent the past weekend at overnight camp training for girl scouts, and we got to try archery. Well archery is NOT my friend. Check out this bruise on my arm from trying it!

We make a good pair! The sucky part about it all is that Dave can't work his second job, which of course make things pretty tight around here!!!!

Aside from bruises, here is a cute picture Kaitlin took of Mama, Dada, and Nicky snuggling!

Nothing like snuggling on the couch! Until next time!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Girl Scout Camp!!

Kaitlin had a blast at camp. She went to Wizards in the Woods, Harry Potter of course! She got a little homesick after getting 2 ticks, but made it through the week! It was good to see her on Friday, however, the fighting has started up again!! It's almost as if she never went away for a week. Can't wait until Chris leaves in a couple of weeks!!
Not much else going on around here, except that I turned another year older! Kaitlin's birthday is tomorrow, she's turning 11! That's another post all on it's own! Until next time........

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reindeer, Wall climbing, Log flumes, and Vermont!

Nicky and Dad checking out the reindeer at Santa's Village!
Kaitlin checking out the reindeer at Santa's Village!

Nicky Wall Climbing at Clark's Trading Post
Log Flume ride at Santa's Village!
We went to Vermont, none of us except Dad have ever been!!

We had a blast camping, we went to Santa's Village and Clark's. The bear show was pretty cool. The kids had a lot of fun, Kaitlin met a boy at the campground swimming pool.....

We drove into Vermont, and had some maple sugar. Took a picture to prove it since we(the kids and I) have never been there!

As you can see they all loved the log flume ride, of course I didn't get on it! But they had fun and Dad got the most wet!

More to come.......