Don't have much to say, so this is going to be a bunch of ramblings......
First, I made it through the 19th, Thank you to my friends who thought of me that day. It was a bit sad, but all in all OK. I miss him so much! I think Father's Day was harder than the 19th.....
The kids are out of school. They have attended Vacation Bible School this week, so it hasn't really seemed like they are out yet. They have enjoyed their time at VBS, but I think they will be glad when it is over so they can enjoy being out of school.
We are leaving for a camping trip on Sunday. I think we all need it, and I can't wait! We are headed to the white mountains, please pray for good weather! 3 kids in a tent during rain, NOT FUN!!
We were blessed by a friend, and received a soft-set pool, we just got that up yesterday, not quite running yet, but soon! It's 12 ft. x 3 ft. so should keep us cool for the summer!! Thanks to the Major's!!
Not much else going on here. Here are a few pictures, I'll post camping pictures when we get back!
The family being silly!

Best Buddies digging in the sand!